
5 types of strategic partnership

In a strategic partnership, two businesses intertwine their efforts in a certain area, such as marketing, supply chain, integration, technology, finance, or a combination of these. Such an agreement might exist between a digital marketing agency and a graphic designer, a web designer and a database management firm, or an [...]

December 20th, 2020|Business|

Roles & Responsibilities – General Manager

Build & Engage with team; Formulate policies, processes & procedures; Coordinating business operations; Improving administration processes; Direct & manage organization's business activities; Represent the company with shareholders, standardizing bodies; Lead the Business and Financial Planning Processes for the organization, ensuring that short, medium and long-term aspirations and goals are addressed; [...]

September 24th, 2020|HR|

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is the combination of rules, processes or laws by which businesses are operated, regulated or controlled. The term encompasses the internal and external factors that affect the interests of a company’s stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, suppliers, government regulators and management. The board of directors is responsible for creating the framework for corporate [...]

May 14th, 2020|Business|

Boss Shouting? 6 Easy Steps to fix the situation

Getting shouted at by a boss: we've all been there, right? It's hard to know exactly how to react and what you should say and do when your boss shouts at you, first and foremost because they're your boss. Unless they're harassing or bullying you (in which case you should [...]

May 11th, 2020|Communication|